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Holistic Therapy & Herbal Products in Miami Gardens

Our natural products are carefully selected at The Body Source Holistic Center to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. Based in Miami Gardens, we strive ...

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Our professional massage service means you can rest assured we are highly trained specialists in the field of massage and herbal compress ball therapy. ...

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We offer a wide range of locally and internationally sourced natural products. We like to make every customer's visit unique by carefully sourcing and ...


FOUR SEASONS DETOX PROTOCOL CHARTS Autumn Equinox Detox Protocol Chart Winter Solstice Detox Protocol Chart Summer Solstice Detox Protocol Chart Spring C Equinox
Parasite treatment intestinal worms

This is a blend of vermicides, treating intestinal worms such as tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, & ringworm. DOSAGE: 2

Capsules a day as a preventative. For treatment, start with two capsules then add one capsule a day up to 5 or 6 capsules which is continued for a week. (¼ Teaspoon of powder = One '00' Capsule)

PET Instructions: Mix powder with tsp olive oil (& maybe fresh garlic for dogs) & pour over food like gravy. 1-10 LB-1/8 tsp daily, 11-30 (b=1/4 tsp daily, 31-50 (b=1/2 tsp daily, 51-70 lb =1 tsp daily, 71-90 (b=1 1/4 tsp twice daily.

Black Walnut Hull is a strong astringent, blood cleanser, vermicide, & helps to oxygenate the blood which in turn kills parasites. It is a specific for intestinal worms, ringworm, pinworms, tapeworms, heartworms, scabies & thrush. It is a very effective for all sorts of cleansing.

Wormwood is mainly used as a parasiticide. It is an invigorating antiseptic that is capable of expelling worms & parasites from the system. Woodworm is a specific in all intestinal worm & parasite infestations.

Quassia is especially effective in vermifuge combinations. It is used to expel worms from the body & helps to re-tone & strengthen a weakened system.

Male Fern is used in intestinal parasite combinations to treat tape worm, hookworm, & other internal intestinal invaders. It contains filicic acid, the main ingredient to help expel parasites from the system.

Cloves help to expel parasites from the intestines. It is very good for easing abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion, & helps increase blood circulation.

Pumpkin Seeds are very effective at riding the body of parasites. It contains a bitter & resinous ingredient that parasitic worms have a strong dislike for & can help organs overrun by parasites function normally again.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration & is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or

Chill pill Stress Realiving

The Chill Pill is a mix of stress relieving, blood sugar balancing and nutritive herbs that calm and offer emotional stamina without a soporific effect.

DOSAGE: 1 cap/3x a day or 2 caps/ 2x a day. Higher doses are acceptable. (¼ Teaspoon of powder = One '00' Capsule)

Licorice Root stimulates adrenal function & immunity, helpful for pain relief, PMS & menopause, leaky gut & heartburn.

Scullcap treats nervousness, irritability, insomnia, and neuralgia.

Scullcap has a sedating effect and is also able to calm spasms, reduce fever, stimulate the kidneys, and also has cleansing effects.

Scullcap is very effective for treating anxiety and tension headaches as well and the Chinese consider it a powerful remedy that is used to calm the mind and also to prepare for meditation.

Schisanda Berry lowers inflammation, supports adrenals and lowers stress, improves liver & digestive health. Helpful to skin, mental performance and sexual function

Spirulina (Blue-green algae) is used in the Chill Pill for its outstanding nutritive properties that balance blood sugar levels and allow greater mental clarity and alertness.

"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent





Rosemary & Thyme

(anti-bacterial and anti-microbial)

• Herbal Products •


(all purpose)










Improves and restores libido, fertility, and sexual function.

DOSAGE: Take two capsules once or twice a day, remembering that it increases energy levels. (¼ Teaspoon

of powder = One 00' Capsule)

Tribulus - A non-hormonal herb that restores and improves libido in men as well as improving and prolonging the duration of erections. Tribulus increases the number and mobility of sperm. The cholesterol and fats are converted to hormones and energy resulting in increased performance and stamina.

Damiana is one of the most popular and safest of all plants to restore natural sexual capacities and functions and has a reputation for arousing sexual desire. It is a specific to treat impotence in men, and is a strong body tonic, energizer, and sexual rejuvenator. Damiana balances hormones and has been recommended to increase sperm count and counter infertility.

Horny Goatweed is a versatile herb commonly used to treat impotence and infertility, among other uses. Horny Goatweed stimulates the production of male sex hormones and increases blood circulation to both the brain and sexual organs.

Sarsaparilla is used as a natural steroid for the production of testosterone with wide ranging properties from improving sports performance to cleansing toxins from the blood. It nourishes and tones the sexual glands and encourages the production of sexual hormones. Sarsaparilla is a male hormone balancer and can be use in cases of impotence and sexual dysfunction.

Magnesium oil spray 4oz

MAGNESIUM is a crucial Mineral for the Bones, Muscles, Brain, Heart 9 and Nervous System BENEFITS: Treats And Prevent muscle cramp Muscle Spasm Helps lower (Spray Under Feet At Night) tip

Blood Pressure Keeps your Mind Body Balance www.thebodysourceholisticenter.com

Caster Oil thick pure hair nail skin 4.oz
P.C.O.S. Capsules/ menopause


This blend balances female hormones, reducing menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings & water retention. DOSAGE: one capsule 3 times a day or two capsules twice a day. (¼ Teaspoon of powder = One 00' Capsule)

Black Cohosh contains natural estrogen & encourages estrogen balance in the body. It helps decrease frequency & intensity of hot flashes & is a specific for female problems. Black Cohosh is a tonic for the central nervous system & is effective at calming, soothing, & sedating.

Blessed Thistle is an astringent herb useful for balancing female hormones & improving circulation. It is high in many vitamins & minerals & is effective against menopausal headaches.

Licorice Root reduces the frequency & severity of Vasomotor hot flash. It seems to prevent the breakdown of adrenal hormones such as cortisol. It also contains powerful antioxidants as well as certain phytoestrogens that can perform some of the functions of the body's natural estrogens.

Chaste Tree Berry helps to balance & regulate the production of progesterone & estrogen. Widely used for hormone imbalances, Chaste Tree helps the whole endocrine system function efficiently & effectively.

Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, nourishes & tonifies the sexual gl&s & the female system, & encourages the production of sexual hormones. It is an effective hormone-balancing herb, & is used for gentle adrenal support.

Squawvine is a diuretic that is very effective at treating water retention. It is a uterine tonic that relieves congestion of the ovaries & uterus. Squawvine is used as a corrective tonic for the female system that tones & heals, promoting balance throughout the female system.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food

Kidney support

Kidney Stone Support Mix

This blend is intended to help reduce & release kidney stones.

DOSAGE: take 2 capsules once a day for maintenance or up to 3 times a day when stones are present.

(¼ Teaspoon of powder = One '00' Capsule)

Gravel Root is a diuretic herb with the ability to dissolve stones & sediment. It is used in formulas for kidney & gallstone removal, & for relief of prostate & urethra sediment & inflammation.

Ginger Root is a kidney stimulant that increases kidney filtration. It is a catalyst, diuretic, & antioxidant. Ginger helps increase circulation throughout the body & aids in the removal of toxins.

Marshmallow helps to release & dissolve kidney stones. It is a soothing agent for inflammation of the bladder & urethra.

Hydrangea Root is a diuretic that can remove bladder stones & the pain caused by them. It is a helpful preventative of the formation of gravel & will help deposits to pass from the kidneys to the bladder. It is used in compounds to dissolve kidney stones, bladder stones, & gravel.

Lobelia increases the flow of urine & perspiration, aiding in the removal of toxins from the body. It is a strong anti-inflammatory, & a highly effective nervine & relaxant.

NOTE: Large amounts of water should be consumed with this formula. This mix is made to help the body flush impurities from the system & drinking large amounts of water throughout the course of taking this formula will aid the body in the removal of toxins & will avoid dehydration.


The Body Source Holistic Center



This mix is for soothing, toning, & relieving the irritations of respiratory ailments, such as pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis. croup, tuberculosis, colds, flu, hay fever, a emphysema.

DOSAGE: Take 2 capsules twice a day or 1 Capsules three times a day. (¼ Teaspoon of powder = One 'OO' Capsule) Chickweed is a demulcent that helps heal inflamed lungs. It aids in mucus expectoration by moistening & loosening phlegm from the system. It is soothing to the lungs, relieves bronchial congestion & convulsions, & helps to create balanced systems.

Thyme works to expel phlegm from respiratory system, a warming and drying herb to break up and dry mucus and soothe coughs, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and one of the best lung tonics

Licorice Root is excellent at soothing & healing irritated membranes & helps reduce inflammation. It eases painful chest coughs by bringing up phlegm & clearing the bronchial passages Mullein Leaf is an anti-spasmodic that is effective in a wide range of respiratory problems & swollen membrane conditions.

It is an expectorant that loosens & removes phlegm, is soothing to inflammation, quiets irritated nerves, & is used to treat consumption, lung disease, cough, & hemorrhage of the respiratory organs.

Pleurisy Root helps reduce pain & difficulty of breathing. It is a specific for the lungs to help reduce inflammation, loosen phlegm, & break up congestion. Pleurisy root helps to reduce the collection of fluid in the lungs & can lead to the re-absorption of these fluids. It clears the lung tissue to improve oxygen intake when breathing is difficult & relieves difficult & painful breathing.

Saw Palmetto relieves excess mucus in the head, nose, membranes of the throat, & air passages. It helps relieve the symptoms of chronic bronchitis & lung asthma & is soothing to sore throats.

Slippery Elm is used to soothe & protect inflamed & irritated lungs. It is great for coating & relieving raw throats & is an expectorant for dry sore throats & coughs. Slippery elm is a soothing & strengthening demulcent ideal for sore, inflamed, a irritated mucus membranes.

Wild Cherry is one of the best herbs for respiratory complaints, bronchial congestion, & coughs. It calms respiratory nerves, allays cough & asthma, is soothing & slightly astringent to the respiratory organs. Wild Cherry loosens phlegm in the throat & chest & breaks up & expels hardened mucus.

Cayenne is a catalyst to all herbs. It aids the absorption, effectiveness, & the quick distribution of all herbs throughout the body by increasing the circulation in the body & the body's ability to digest anything in the stomach.




PH: 305.842.1843

Diabetes Support Mix

Helps the body reduce high blood sugar. Promotes glandular health and function.

DOSAGE: one cap three times a day or two caps twice a day. (¼ Teaspoon = One '00' Capsule)

Uva Ursi leaf - a tonic for weakened liver, kidney and other glands. Relieves pain from bladder and kidney stones.

Dandelion root - has hypoglycemic effect, benefits the liver, spleen and pancreas. Stimulates bile production.

Gentian root - is a potent "bitter" focusing on the digestive glands and organs such as gallbladder and pancreas.

Bilberry leaf - Long used by naturopaths to treat diabetes, kidney, and gallbladder ailments.

Raspberry leaf - has proven hypoglycemic action. It also relieves urethral and kidney irritation.

Saw Palmetto berry - Diabetes and other diseases of the glands require nutritional support these berries provide.

Parsley Leaf- Used as a blood purifier and in cases of low blood sugar of adrenal malfunction

Kelp and Bladderwrack - because of the high iodine content, kelp helps the glands, especially the liver and 


mix 1 

alfalfa, devils claws, burdock, yucca, celery seeds, sarsapatillas.

Arthritis 2

Glucosamine, sulfate, devils claws, turmeric, cats claw, yucca, celery 

Dry salve
Wound Healing

The Body Source Holistic Center

DRY SALVE/Herbs & powder 


COMFRY S. officinale contains allantoin, a compound that is believed to promote cell proliferation and tissue regeneration, which can help in faster wound healing.

CALENDURA officinalis is known for its anti-inflammatory

and wound-healing properties. It can help promote cell regeneration and speed up the healing process.

ALOE VERA is well-known for its soothing and healing properties. It can help promote cell growth and repair damaged tissues, leading to faster healing of wounds.

Ribwort plantain is known for its: astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help promote wound healing by reducing inflammation and supporting the body's natural healing processes.

The Body Source Holistic Center

Cuts, Foot Ulcers, Bites,
Energy Support

Energy Support Mix

This mixture increases energy, stamina and endurance without caffeine or ephedrine, so it doesn't tend to increase blood pressure, although there are individual reactions. It is considered a whole body tonic. TYPICAL DOSAGE: take 2 capsules at a time as needed.

Astragalus Root is rich in the main nutrient that feeds our bodies, called polysaccharides. Astragalus is known to increase strength and vitality, and combats fatigue by nourishing exhausted adrenals. It has also been demonstrated to boost energy by reducing the level of toxicity in the liver.

Bee Pollen belongs to the group of Super Foods. It's high levels of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzyme precursors, and all essential amino acids are completely balanced for optimal energy usage. It's a complete blood building food that rejuvenates and helps counteract the effects of aging, increasing both mental and physical abilities.

Ginkgo is most famously known for it's ability to increase mental alertness and memory. It improves and encourages blood circulation to the central nervous system, increases tissue oxidation, and improves the delivery of vital nutrients to body tissues.

Eleuthero Root is also known as Siberian Ginseng. It is an adaptogen and lends the body natural energy, endurance, and balance by stimulating the circulatory and cardiac system. Is used in energy formulas against depression and fatigue, and rebuilding system strength after sickness or exhaustion. It is known to increase mental alertness, sexual vitality, and stimulate adrenal functioning.

Foti Root also known as Ho-Shou-Wu, is used by the Chinese for longevity and restoration. Fo-ti is a liver and blood tonic, promoting healthy blood and thereby toning the liver, reducing exhaustion and deficiencies, restoring energy and vigor.

Ginger Root is an excellent body stimulant. Warming the circulatory system, ginger works as a catalyst to move the other herbs into the system quickly. It also works to jump-start the digestive system and to revive a sluggish system.

Energy support

Energy Support Mix

This mixture increases energy, stamina and endurance without caffeine or ephedrine, so it doesn't tend to increase blood pressure, although there are individual reactions. It is considered a whole body tonic. TYPICAL DOSAGE: take 2 capsules at a time as needed.

Astragalus Root is rich in the main nutrient that feeds our bodies, called polysaccharides. Astragalus is known to increase strength and vitality, and combats fatigue by nourishing exhausted adrenals. It has also been demonstrated to boost energy by reducing the level of toxicity in the liver.

Bee Pollen belongs to the group of Super Foods. It's high levels of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, enzyme precursors, and all essential amino acids are completely balanced for optimal energy usage. It's a complete blood building food that rejuvenates and helps counteract the effects of aging, increasing both mental and physical abilities.

Ginkgo is most famously known for it's ability to increase mental alertness and memory. It improves and encourages blood circulation to the central nervous system, increases tissue oxidation, and improves the delivery of vital nutrients to body tissues.

Eleuthero Root is also known as Siberian Ginseng. It is an adaptogen and lends the body natural energy, endurance, and balance by stimulating the circulatory and cardiac system. Is used in energy formulas against depression and fatigue, and rebuilding system strength after sickness or exhaustion. It is known to increase mental alertness, sexual vitality, and stimulate adrenal functioning.

Foti Root also known as Ho-Shou-Wu, is used by the Chinese for longevity and restoration. Fo-ti is a liver and blood tonic, promoting healthy blood and thereby toning the liver, reducing exhaustion and deficiencies, restoring energy and vigor.

Ginger Root is an excellent body stimulant. Warming the circulatory system, ginger works as a catalyst to move the other herbs into the system quickly. It also works to jump-start the digestive system and to revive a sluggish system.

Immune support

Immune Support Mix

These are major immune stimulating & strengthening herbs which work with different aspects of the body's immune systems. DOSAGE: Two capsules once a day for maintenance, up to 4 times a day when needed.

(¼ Teaspoon of powder = One '00' Capsule)

Andrographis- could strengthen immune system, release interferon and Japanese reports it stopped cancer cells from multiplying, possible help in the fight against Aids

Echinacea improves lymphatic filtration and drainage, and is top of the best blood purifying herbs. It removes toxins from the body, supports the immune system, is antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. Echinacea is a primary herb in any formula to strengthen and rebuild the immune system.

Pau d'Arco is an antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal herb. Its a primary immune enhancing herb, especially against viruses such as colds, flu, herpes, and hepatitis. Pau d'Arco is a strong blood builder and purifier, and has been known to eradicate environmentally produced allergies and asthma.

Astragalus is stimulating to the immune system, increasing the number of interferons and antibodies. It helps to increase strength and vitality, and promotes the elimination of toxins from the body while supporting the organs.

Cat's Claw is an immuno-stimulant. It is anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, an effective antiviral and antibiotic. Cat's claw is used to treat cancer, diabetes, herpes, AIDS, plus many other diseases.

Schizandra Berry is a longevity and immune system tonic that strengthens the tissues and retains body energy. It is capable of building the body's immune system and protecting it against the harms of stress.

Reishi Mushroom notably increase vitality and strengthens internal organs. It helps to normalize body functions, slow the effects of aging, and alleviate the effects of stress. Reishi is especially effective against wasting diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

Shiitake Mushroom is an adaptogen and promotes vitality and longevity. It stimulates the immune system to produce interferon, and also activates the T-helper cells to help fight disease.

"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."


Brain Support Mix/Tincher & Tea

Brain Mix helps increase brain function, alertness and energy.

DOSAGE: 1 cap/3 times a day or 2 caps/2x a day (¼ Teaspoon of powder = One '00' Capsule)

Gotu Kola stimulates circulation to the brain, working as an energy enhancer on the cells of the brain. It is used to combat fatigue and to improve memory, it increases mental activity whil at the same time having a mild calming effect on the body.

Gingko Leaf is used primarily as a brain and mental energy stimulant, increasing both peripheral and cerebral circulation ans oxygenation of cells, and increasing mental alertness. It is used t increase the quantity of blood flow to the brain to improve memory.

Panax Ginseng lends the body energy and helps to improve brain functioning. Speeds up the nervous reflexes, this herb increases analytical and overall mental performance, while diminishing fatigue.

Cayenne is a catalyst to all herbs. It aids the absorption, effectiveness, and the quick distribution of all herbs throughout the body by increasing the circulation in the body and the body's ability to digest anything in the stomach.

"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."

Oregon Grape Root

Stomach Ulcers, Gastroesophageal reflux, disease (GERD) stomach Upset, as a bitter tonic. To treat infections, and to cleanse the Bowels Also use for skin disorders such as




DigestiveCAPSULE AND TEA WITH PURCHASE symptoms can include bloating, gas, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, or abdominal pain.

They often arise from poor diet, stress, food intolerances, or underlying conditions.
Digestion Support Mix

This mixture is a digestive aid, helping to relieve intestinal gas, heartburn, colic, enteritis.

DOSAGE: Take 2 capsules with each meal. (¼ Teaspoon of powder = One '00' Capsule)

Papaya Leaf contains all enzymes required for the digestion of food; relieves gas, bloating, and flatulence. Papain (the protein-digesting enzyme found in papaya) can digest properly in alkaline, neutral, and acidic mediums.

Dandelion Root is an excellent toning-multi glandular herb with soothing and healing properties for the digestive system.

It is cleansing and healing to the liver, stimulating bile secretion to the stomach and an invigorating and strengthening gentle laxative

Fennel Seed improves digestion and prevents nausea and gas, and has a mild laxative effect on the system. Helps to move waste out of the body and allows the digestive system to function more naturally.

Ginger Root stimulates the digestion while alkalizing the body. It can stop griping and intestinal cramping and is known to alleviate nausea by settling the stomach.

Gentian Root stimulates the appetite, improving blood circulation to the stomach and abdominal organs. Mildy cleansing to the bowels and is effective for hardened matter in the colon. Gentian stimulates the production of bile and fortifies liver malfunction.

circulation of the other herbs throughout
